Monday, October 22, 2007


The body needs exercise; there is no arguing that. Exercise not only helps us burn the excess load our body carries, making us lose weight and look trim, but it also promotes health and well-being. Regular exercise prevents our body from being afflicted with ailments such as heart disease, depression, and even cancer. Exercise gives the body more energy and strength, and makes the mind sharper and more alert. Exercise is good for the body.
Most people know this fact, that the body needs exercise. And yet, they still do not want to do it. Oh, they have their reasons. Some believe that exercise is too bothersome, or that they cannot set a regular time for exercise in their busy, busy schedules. There are some who think that doing exercise is too strenuous for their body, while some think that exercise is just plain boring.
So, how do you bridge the gap between the obvious fact that the body needs exercise and the person wanting it in the first place?
For people who find exercise boring, they should do some form of physical exertion that they would find fun in doing so they would do it regularly and even look forward to it. You could do a few laps on the pool. Maybe you could walk the dog and have the dog chase sticks or Frisbees. If you do not have access to a pool or does not own a dog, maybe a game of tennis your best friend would do the trick. Or maybe just a walk up and down the block would be enough. Exercise does not have to involve a trip to the gym all the time after all.
For people whose excuse is that they do not have time for exercise, or that they do not like exercising in the morning as most fitness gurus preach, then the solution is to find time for exercise that is convenient for them. It does not matter when this is, as long as it is done regularly and consistently. The right time for exercise is the time you make it right for you.
For people who feel discouraged because they do not really see any changes on themselves with their exercise routine, the answer to this concern would be to keep an exercise journal. By taking note of the number of sets and repetitions you did, how you are feeling before and after the workout as well as the intensity of the workout, you would have an actual record of your progress, not just a guess or a gut feel. And knowing how much work you are putting into your exercise and the actual results would definitely motivate you into going on with your routine and even trying harder.
For people who are bored with exercise, the answer to this would be to put variety in your routine. You don’t have to stick to the same routine day in and day out. Also, take a rest and a day off from exercise if you need to.
Exercise should be something you find fun in doing rather than a chore. Your exercise routine should suit you, and never the other way around.

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