Monday, October 22, 2007

most common fashion mistakes

Fashion mistakes happen. I have committed them, and I am sure that you have, too. Your mother has had them, your friends and co-workers have had them. Even celebrities and top runway models make their boo-boos every now and then.
Fashion mistakes happen. You spend a bit of time in front of the mirror throwing some clothes on and putting on some makeup. You think you have got it all right, but once you step out to face the world – boom! Disaster happens.

Fashion mistakes happen. But why does it happen for us? Well, it could be because we liked an outfit that we saw on TV or on a magazine and thought it would work well on us too. Maybe we spotted something really nice and dressy while window shopping and bought it out of impulse. Maybe we listened to our mothers or our best friends even though the little voices inside our head are screaming that we should not follow their advice. It could be any reason.

But as inevitable as they may seem to be sometimes, fashion mistakes do not have to happen all the time. Careful attention to detail is all it takes.

Here are some of the most common fashion mistakes that we can commit, or have perhaps committed at some time.

Unsuitable colors. A certain color or a certain shade may look pleasing to the eye. However, there are some colors that suit only certain skin tones; they would look disastrous on others. The tip here is to try out colors and to pick the ones that suit your skin tone. Never choose colors that make you too pale or washed out.
Unfitting clothes. If you are a plus size person, stick to the plus sizes and quit squeezing yourself into clothes that do not give you room to move. Sure it may look okay while you are standing up, but when you sit down, accidents can happen. An unwanted bulge may show – or worse, a button or a seam could pop.

Inappropriate makeup. What time of the day is it? Are you going to work, an afternoon date at the park, to the gym, to a party, or to a rock concert? The key to correct makeup is that it should be light at daytime and heavy at night. Also, wear colors that flatter your face and match your outfit.

Wrong color pantyhose. Your pantyhose should match the color of the hem of your skirt and/or the color of the shoes you are wearing. Therefore, if you are wearing a black skirt with black shoes, choose black stockings or pantyhose. If you are wearing a black skirt with brown shoes, wear brown or flesh-colored stockings or pantyhose.

Scruffy shoes. Nothing ruins an outfit more than a pair of dirty or rundown shoes. Keep your shoes clean; leather shoes should always look polished. If your shoes need repair, take them to a repair shop at once. Also, quality beats quantity; invest in a good pair of shoes even if they are pricey. They will last longer than the shoes you buy in thrift stores.

Odd nails. Fingernails should be properly filed and kept at a decent length. If you polish your nails, take the time to repair the chipped paint or do them over as soon as possible when you get home. Use sedate colors on your nails for going to work on weekdays; bright and funky colors should be left for the weekends.

Slipping slips. When you wear a slip, make sure that it does not show beneath the hem of your skirt and that they fit snuggly around your waist. Best buy them in different lengths. To make it seem that you are not wearing a slip, wear one that matches the color of your dress or skirt.

Underarm stains. These look hideous, especially when you are wearing a white top. The solution to this is a good deodorant or a dress shield.

Visible bra lines. If the straps of your bra falls off your shoulders, or if it rides up the back or does not give your bosom a lift, then your bra does not fit you. Make sure your bra fits you perfectly.

Roots. Full-colored hair needs to be touched up once every four to eight weeks so the roots do not show. If you do not have the time for this or cannot afford it, opt for highlights instead. Also, choose colors that complement your skin tone.

Fashion mistakes happen. But with careful attention to details and with knowing what looks good on you, they do not have to happen at all.

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